Monday, September 21, 2009

The main thing in life is RESULTS!

The main thing in life is____   RESULTS!

The universe has very precise laws – if you understand the rules of the game and know how to stretch these, you can have a direct impact on your levels of success.
Two key laws are
The law of polarity – everything has an “opposite” or a pole. Every question therefore has an answer. The really successful people ask the right questions. Usually the right question is “what can I do to....”
If you’re not going in one direction, you are definitely going in the other. We are always creating or disintegrating. Absolutely nothing ever stays the way it is. You have to adapt and adjust to change. Therefore constantly creating and changing yourself is key.
The main thing in life is....

Ask yourself why there is such a huge difference in the results that people in similar situations are able to produce and experience in life.

Setting goals is absolutely essentially. A study of individuals tracked over a number of years has reference. In this group only 2% had set clear goals and written them down. When the group was followed up years later the 2% who had set their goals had achieved more than the other 98% put together! Why is this?

Let’s talk about cybernetic systems.... what they do is measure the deviation from a set goal and then correct the system they control. For example, thermostats on an air con or an autopilot regulating the altitude of a plane are cybernetic systems.
Human beings also have cybernetic systems.

If we change our behaviours, our own cybernetic system in our consciousness and self image often reverts us back to the old behaviour. No matter how hard we try, our cybernetic system “corrects” change behaviours and forces us back to old habits. The important thing therefore is to change the cybernetic system itself, not just the behaviours. This will bring about sustainable change.
What controls the quality of everything in your life?

Attitude is a composite of thinking, feelings and action. Before you change your actions, you need to change your thoughts. We need to focus our energy and intentions on our mind.
There is a huge difference between what we perceive as thinking and true, conscious thinking. In fact only 3% of us actually THINK. Most people block out real thinking by watching TV or spending huge blocks of time on other meaningless pursuits.

In choosing our thinking, we need to build pictures of positive stuff in our lives. Our conscious minds create our thoughts and our pictures. It is essential to remember that we CHOOSE our conscious thoughts. This is an absolute key to determining what goes into the process of creating results in our lives.

These thoughts are then filtered into our subconscious mind. It’s rather scary to think that our subconscious mind can only accept what our conscious mind tells it. It does not have the capacity to reject anything.

Are we always telling our subconscious minds the truth?
Our subconscious minds determine our feelings.
Our feelings in turn are expressed in actions.
And our actions determine results.
It is therefore essential to carefully choose our conscious thoughts, and to really put an effort into what we are thinking
Our senses determine what goes into our conscious minds. Everything we see, smell, hear, taste and touch determines our conscious mindset. Where do you get most of your information? TV? Papers? Radio? What other people are talking about? All the images we are constantly bombarded with?

Ask yourself: Is the information I get into my conscious minds from sources that are mostly

To what extent are you controlling the inputs into your conscious mind?

The extent to which you are controlling inputs into your conscious mind, determines the extent to which you are controlling your own thinking. In order to profoundly change your results, you need to develop your intellectual mind. This involves actively developing your six intellectual faculties, namely:
  1. Our perception: Our ability to see things differently
  2. Our will: Our will to change and get results
  3. Our imagination: People with great imagination achieve the most
  4. Our memory: Forget about the past, especially the negatives and remember the positives that will help you achieve the results
  5. Our intuition and ability to listen to that inner voice
  6. Our reason
What makes us great human beings is the ability to start changing our intellectual minds, which in turn will alter our emotional minds. Capturing this ability will lead to us achieving our goals and achieving results in our lives.

Isn’t it great to know we have a CHOICE over this?

That we are not merely victims of circumstance, of birth, of the things which have gone wrong in our lives, but empowered, enabled human beings who with conscious living and thinking have the power to CHOOSE our destiny!

Source: Excerpts from a Coaching Firm’s Newsletter

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