Monday, September 21, 2009

Insecurity is Your Best Security

Insecurity is Your Best Security

Imagine how you would feel if you were in one of the most successful rock bands of all time.

You and your band mates have been together for more than 30 years and you have more money than you could ever need. Every concert is a sell out.

You also have money invested in real estate and have your hand in many other businesses.

Apple even names an iPod after you.

You'd feel pretty secure about money, wouldn't you?

Or would you?

Bono of the band U2 fits the scenario I just described above, yet in a recent interview he said, "Insecurity is your best security." He doesn't take their success for granted and never assumes that the next album will be a success.

There's a lot of truth to what he said.

The desire for security is a limiting belief and puts the brakes on your income.

The belief that you have security, once you've achieved a certain income level or status, is also a limiting belief.

Once you start buying into the security myth you've automatically limited what you can achieve or how much you can earn.

It has been discussed before many times, about how almost every successful entrepreneur seems to have rags to riches story.

The greatest achievements often happen when insecurity is the greatest.

And people who succeed as a result of a difficult childhood or situation usually don't forget where they came from or take it for granted. That insecurity is always there beneath the surface, ready to be tapped.

One should also learn to focus on the 'what', and the 'how' will be taken care of. Remember, you are more than you think you are.
When you focus (thought plus emotion) on what you want, with a positive expectation of success, you activate the power of your unconscious mind, and the 'how' start showing up, often without you even trying to figure them out.
This was just fear, and there is nothing to fear! Like attracts like, so start feeling how you'll feel when what you want is already here. Focus on the 'what' and the 'how' will be taken care of.
Wishing you overwhelming success

Source: Excerpts from a Coaching Firm’s Newsletter

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