Monday, September 21, 2009

Insecurity is Your Best Security

Insecurity is Your Best Security

Imagine how you would feel if you were in one of the most successful rock bands of all time.

You and your band mates have been together for more than 30 years and you have more money than you could ever need. Every concert is a sell out.

You also have money invested in real estate and have your hand in many other businesses.

Apple even names an iPod after you.

You'd feel pretty secure about money, wouldn't you?

Or would you?

Bono of the band U2 fits the scenario I just described above, yet in a recent interview he said, "Insecurity is your best security." He doesn't take their success for granted and never assumes that the next album will be a success.

There's a lot of truth to what he said.

The desire for security is a limiting belief and puts the brakes on your income.

The belief that you have security, once you've achieved a certain income level or status, is also a limiting belief.

Once you start buying into the security myth you've automatically limited what you can achieve or how much you can earn.

It has been discussed before many times, about how almost every successful entrepreneur seems to have rags to riches story.

The greatest achievements often happen when insecurity is the greatest.

And people who succeed as a result of a difficult childhood or situation usually don't forget where they came from or take it for granted. That insecurity is always there beneath the surface, ready to be tapped.

One should also learn to focus on the 'what', and the 'how' will be taken care of. Remember, you are more than you think you are.
When you focus (thought plus emotion) on what you want, with a positive expectation of success, you activate the power of your unconscious mind, and the 'how' start showing up, often without you even trying to figure them out.
This was just fear, and there is nothing to fear! Like attracts like, so start feeling how you'll feel when what you want is already here. Focus on the 'what' and the 'how' will be taken care of.
Wishing you overwhelming success

Source: Excerpts from a Coaching Firm’s Newsletter

The main thing in life is RESULTS!

The main thing in life is____   RESULTS!

The universe has very precise laws – if you understand the rules of the game and know how to stretch these, you can have a direct impact on your levels of success.
Two key laws are
The law of polarity – everything has an “opposite” or a pole. Every question therefore has an answer. The really successful people ask the right questions. Usually the right question is “what can I do to....”
If you’re not going in one direction, you are definitely going in the other. We are always creating or disintegrating. Absolutely nothing ever stays the way it is. You have to adapt and adjust to change. Therefore constantly creating and changing yourself is key.
The main thing in life is....

Ask yourself why there is such a huge difference in the results that people in similar situations are able to produce and experience in life.

Setting goals is absolutely essentially. A study of individuals tracked over a number of years has reference. In this group only 2% had set clear goals and written them down. When the group was followed up years later the 2% who had set their goals had achieved more than the other 98% put together! Why is this?

Let’s talk about cybernetic systems.... what they do is measure the deviation from a set goal and then correct the system they control. For example, thermostats on an air con or an autopilot regulating the altitude of a plane are cybernetic systems.
Human beings also have cybernetic systems.

If we change our behaviours, our own cybernetic system in our consciousness and self image often reverts us back to the old behaviour. No matter how hard we try, our cybernetic system “corrects” change behaviours and forces us back to old habits. The important thing therefore is to change the cybernetic system itself, not just the behaviours. This will bring about sustainable change.
What controls the quality of everything in your life?

Attitude is a composite of thinking, feelings and action. Before you change your actions, you need to change your thoughts. We need to focus our energy and intentions on our mind.
There is a huge difference between what we perceive as thinking and true, conscious thinking. In fact only 3% of us actually THINK. Most people block out real thinking by watching TV or spending huge blocks of time on other meaningless pursuits.

In choosing our thinking, we need to build pictures of positive stuff in our lives. Our conscious minds create our thoughts and our pictures. It is essential to remember that we CHOOSE our conscious thoughts. This is an absolute key to determining what goes into the process of creating results in our lives.

These thoughts are then filtered into our subconscious mind. It’s rather scary to think that our subconscious mind can only accept what our conscious mind tells it. It does not have the capacity to reject anything.

Are we always telling our subconscious minds the truth?
Our subconscious minds determine our feelings.
Our feelings in turn are expressed in actions.
And our actions determine results.
It is therefore essential to carefully choose our conscious thoughts, and to really put an effort into what we are thinking
Our senses determine what goes into our conscious minds. Everything we see, smell, hear, taste and touch determines our conscious mindset. Where do you get most of your information? TV? Papers? Radio? What other people are talking about? All the images we are constantly bombarded with?

Ask yourself: Is the information I get into my conscious minds from sources that are mostly

To what extent are you controlling the inputs into your conscious mind?

The extent to which you are controlling inputs into your conscious mind, determines the extent to which you are controlling your own thinking. In order to profoundly change your results, you need to develop your intellectual mind. This involves actively developing your six intellectual faculties, namely:
  1. Our perception: Our ability to see things differently
  2. Our will: Our will to change and get results
  3. Our imagination: People with great imagination achieve the most
  4. Our memory: Forget about the past, especially the negatives and remember the positives that will help you achieve the results
  5. Our intuition and ability to listen to that inner voice
  6. Our reason
What makes us great human beings is the ability to start changing our intellectual minds, which in turn will alter our emotional minds. Capturing this ability will lead to us achieving our goals and achieving results in our lives.

Isn’t it great to know we have a CHOICE over this?

That we are not merely victims of circumstance, of birth, of the things which have gone wrong in our lives, but empowered, enabled human beings who with conscious living and thinking have the power to CHOOSE our destiny!

Source: Excerpts from a Coaching Firm’s Newsletter

Easy - Difficult


Easy to occupy place in a Telephone Directory
Difficult to occupy heart of somebody

Easy to judge errors of others
Difficult to recognize our own errors

Easy to hurt those whom we love
Difficult to heal those wounds

Easy to forgive others
Difficult to ask for forgiveness

Easy to exhibit victory
Difficult to assume defeat with dignity

Easy to dream every night
Difficult to fight for a dream

Easy to pray every night
Difficult to find God in the smallest of things

Easy to say we love
Difficult to demonstrate it every day

Easy to criticize everybody
Difficult to better / perfect ourselves

Easy to think of improving
Difficult to stop thinking & really do it

Easy to receive
Difficult to give

Easy to read this and agree
Difficult to grasp & implement it

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are the Brains of Leaders wired differently?

Are the Brains of Leaders wired differently?
Everyone’s brain is wired differently. Successful people will have some differences compared to the average population. I say successful leaders because of what they have had to learn to be good at what they do.
When you practice anything, it changes your brain and leaders have had to practice staying cool under pressure. They experience levels of stress that would overwhelm most people – from having too much to do, dealing with uncertainty and being seen by others. Successful leaders have managed to learn to manage the stress response from all that. If they don’t learn to do that, their ability to think goes down dramatically.
Successful leaders have very good emotional regulation techniques, and you can pick that up in all sorts of tests. It relates to the brain’s “braking system”, which is just behind the right temple. So effective leaders have strong braking systems that are well-developed.
And how did those leaders rewire their brains?
Anything you pay attention to, changes your brain. If you pay attention to the words of Cantonese, you will learn the language and your brain will change as a result. If pay attention to colours or light, that will also change your brain.
For someone who has always been a technician or a performer (like a sales person), when they first become a manager, they need to change their brain. And it is a change that people often struggle with, because they actually have to stop themselves from doing. They have to use the braking system to stop themselves from solving the problem for the other person.
As you practice that, you will get better at it and it will change your brain. If you don’t practice that and you keep doing things the way you did as a sales person, and you keep doing the work for other people, you would become an ineffective manager. Instead of motivating people, you will threaten them.
Is it all about paying attention to the work that you do, then?
It is about adapting to the environment. In nature, the creatures that adapt well are the ones that survive. In the workforce when the situation changes, you need to be someone who can adapt to the new situation.
When you become a manager or a functional head for the first time, you need to adapt and change your brain. Each time you need to rewire your brain, and the way you do that is by paying attention and noticing stimuli in the environment instead of acting automatically. Paying fresh and focused attention is how we rewire the brain.
Are there limitations to the brain?
The brain is an interesting paradox. It the most complex thing in the known universe and has tremendous limitations. And those limitations mostly involve conscious processing of information.
For example, we have a terrible memory. Unless we really focus, the average human’s memory is very poor. We can accurately remember what happened in the last two seconds, and that is what we can accurately reproduce. Beyond that it gets much harder.
Another example is how long you can think well for. It is exhausting to focus for a couple of hours. We think people can do great work all day, but there are big peaks and troughs within our capacity to work well.
So how does that affect something like a brain-storming session?
Keeping it under an hour and doing it in the mid-morning will be extremely useful. Trying to do a brain storming at three or four in the afternoon is almost pointless in some situations.
So it’s better to have it short than a long drawn out process?
If you are doing something that is routine, the brain is tremendously efficient. But when you have to consciously think about your work, then you are using the prefrontal cortex of the brain that is the most inefficient. The prefrontal cortex only uses 4% of the total brain but it tires very easily and this is where a lot of limitations emerge from.

(Courtesy: Sydney-born David Rock, author of the book Quiet Leadership and CEO of Results Coaching Systems International)


TEN Words

The most selfish ONE Letter Word…. “I
Avoid it

The most satisfying TWO Letter Word… “We
Use it

The most poisonous THREE Letter Word… “Ego
Kill it

The most used FOUR Letter word… “Love
Value it

The most pleasing FIVE Letter Word… “Smile
Keep it

The fastest spreading SIX Letter Word… “Rumour
Ignore it

The hardest working SEVEN Letter Word… “Success
Achieve it

The most enviable EIGHT Letter Word… “Jealousy
Distance it

The most powerful NINE Letter Word…”Knowledge
Acquire it

The most essential TEN Letter Word… “Confidence
Trust it


Excerpts of Preparation of Seminar on "WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH THE INDIANS”

Strong Indian Economy has continued to have a global impact

Mentioned below are the excerpts of preparation of Seminar by French, for French Business Community, on "WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH THE INDIANS”

Its interesting to see the topics and Areas focused.

I found this knowledge interesting and thought of sharing it on my Blog

(This excerpt is translated from French to English)

DATES: October 6, 2009

HOURS: 9H - 17H



No Purpose and Pedagogy

This seminar will increase an immediate and significant efficacy of the participants in their interactions with Indians. It may be appropriate, especially for participants working "remotely" with the Indians.

The seminar is based both on the more advanced principles of intercultural management and experience "field" of the facilitator. Thus, participants will discover all the main concepts for working effectively with the Indians. All will be illustrated by numerous examples, anecdotes, tips and pointers.

- Participants will be involved very actively in several exercises and group work.


1) Introduction: Understanding cultural differences

In this chapter you will:

- Discover what the Intercultural Cases

- Study the different components of a culture

- Become aware of your "baggage" cultural

- Learn the basics of intercultural management

- Discover the "change curve", the "cultural iceberg", etc..

- Learn to go beyond the stereotypes

2) The Indian culture: the indispensable foundation

In this chapter you will discover and understand the influences of geography, history, religion, on Indian culture and context of your audience

- How to avoid "stupid mistakes"

- Understand the key aspects of Indian culture

- The major philosophical and religious landmarks: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, etc..

- The puzzle of caste

- The weight of family and clan

- Regional identities and ethnic groups

- The importance of "popular culture"

3) Golden rules:

In this chapter you'll learn:

- The basic rules that must absolutely meet with Indians

- And how to use ...

4) The manager's checklist

In this chapter you will discover the essential elements for success with the Indians:

- The importance of the personal relationship

- The values and behavior of Indians

- The custom and practice in work

- Knowledge live in Cases

- Why spend time in "small talk"

- What does "save face" or "give face"

- Superstition in business

- The woman in business, "Mother India" Etc..

5) Working with Indians

In this chapter you will:

- Discover the major key understandings of Indians in the work

- Differences between "world views" European and Indian world a permanent or a cyclical world

- Strategy and opportunism

- Conceptual and practical

- Learn to communicate effectively with the Indians

- How to use remote communications (mail, telephone, video conferencing, etc..)

- Explore the process of Indian decision

- How to hear and recognize the "no" Indian

- Discover how efficiently a project manager with Indian teams

- How to get the Indians to be "results oriented"

- How to meet deadlines

6) Action Plan

In this chapter, you define an action plan practical and realistic to achieve better and faster your goals:

- Developing your personal action plan

- Develop action plan for your team

7) "review package"

In this chapter you will learn the latest tips:

- How to use the cards

- Gifts

- The use of any translator

- The non-verbal language

- How to use humor

- The dress

- The code of etiquette ...Etc..

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